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Writer's pictureJessica Nicole

Chapter 27

Happy New Years Cuties! Will You look at that, another year down how quickly time went even during a global pandemic. Why the title chapter 27 you ask? I wanted to tie in my age as I just turned 27 so I wanted to have that with the new year in the same post. With that being said lets begin. 2020 taught me to live in the moment, and to appreciate everyday life. We tend to take things for granted when we have others who would wish to be in our same position. It taught me how to learn how to be alone in times where we would want company from others. It taught me that sometimes we can not be selfish and that we also have to think about others and their health.

As I mentioned in My last post of 2020 on my Instagram I learned that just because you have a kind heart and are full of love it doesn't mean that will be reciprocated. Not everyone wants the best for you, not everyone deserves your love. It taught me to prioritize who I spend my time on/with and again above all I come first. No matter what you do people always have something to say it can be negative or positive but what matters is how you choose to react to it.

In 2020 most importantly I remembered I Am Worth it, I AM enough the way I am. Choose people who choose you. Never ignore the signs God is sending you, God's time is everything I can conquer anything. I am strong mentally and physically, cheers to 2021 and what it has in store for us All. May it be a better year for everyone. What did 2020 teach you?

Coming into 2021 I have so many goals I plan to reach maybe these are things that I have also slacked on in the past and would like to get them done now better late than never. here they are

  1. Do a pageant (look at me, I Just did that!) maybe I'll do a blog post on my experience if there are some of you interested.

  2. Become an RBT at my job (lets be real I have been avoiding it for years or I never finish the process)

  3. Grow My autism page @autismunmaskd (I want to continue posting and making it more active in order for it to grow so that more people find interest in it.

  4. Be better at saving when it comes to spending money. Sometimes I get an itch and buy things when I don't really need them especially clothes I tend to buy so much and it just sits in my closet after one wear.

  5. Take out my sewing machine from the box and put it to use. This has been something I should have done a long time ago and that is why I am carrying it onto this new year I always put things together for myself but never actually put my machine to use. I can't wait to have it all set up in my room.

  6. Go back to school. Again something I have been slacking on, I took a break and then got comfortable with working so I never officially went back. It's been a few years now so I really want to go back even if that means starting from scratch

  7. Grow my blog and be more consistent with posting. A lot of you guys personally DM on insta and ask me when I will be posting my next post, I appreciate that you guys find interest in what I post I know in order for this to grow I have to be more consistent and I hope now that I have the new website design it also helps you guys be able to give me ideas for what to write about next. Don't be shy that can be found on my Home Page. :) ---> here

  8. Be more present in the moment of when things are going on. (learn to put my phone down) try to take a social media break every now and then, since it does consume so much of my time and that can be unhealthy.

  9. Make time to see my family more often and also friends that I don't usually spend time with as much

  10. Get back to the consistency that I once had with cooking my meals and tracking my calories making sure I am eating more than I should in order to make the gains that I need to.

Those are just some of the things I would like to work on for this year, maybe I'll get to some sooner rather than later. I do think we should all have things we want to do or better ourselves at. What are some things you are looking forward to doing this year? What are some things you've always wanted to do but maybe haven't made the time for? feel free to comment down below. Until next time love always Jess.

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